18 forums, 280 high-level speakers, an audience from over 45 countries. Once again, MedaWeek Barcelona established itself as the biggest platform for the development of the Mediterranean. ASCAME and co-organisers will keep working for a future in common.
Video by Mediapro
Barcelona Conference
In Barcelona: Capture More Value & New Business Opportunities in the Mediterranean, is a Conference where distinguished business leaders and economists. will share their insights on how International companies can take advantage of Barcelona’s unique role as a business and investment hub. The main goals will be to capture new business opportunities and capitalise Barcelona's sizable market and growth-potential to strengthen ties in the Greater Mediterranean Area. The session will also provide an update on Barcelona's Economic Landscape and Development. This meeting is co-organised by ASCAME in partnership with the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
Visit link in https://youtu.be/2L3hunMY5SM
Resto videos MEDA WEEK 2021 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbq1VgbIItnYZBQy2SAypO2A8ctRwUw63
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